Saturday, October 20, 2012

4th year anniversary

What do you think? 
A few nights ago, I got a call and a text message from my sister while driving. In the text message she asked me to pick up the phone because there was someone interested in purchasing cupcakes from me. "From me?" I asked myself as I was driving back from my Bible Studies. This was the first time someone had ever wanted to buy these delishness from me. 

I decided to contact the girl and give it a shot, to sale cupcakes. The girl asked me to make a dozen of cupcakes to give to her boyfriend as their 4th year anniversary. Can you imagine the pressure I was under? Not only did I need to be creative, but I also had two other dozens of cupcakes to bake and decorate for my little sister's class to celebrate her 6th year birthday on this same day. It was a challenge to get started because I did not have everything I needed. I did not even have an idea as to what to do for the girl and her boyfriend. I, somehow, managed to use my imagination to decorate the cupcakes. Even when I spent all afternoon trying to perfect the cupcake decorations, I had so much fun. It was a learning experience for I learned to use all my resources and manage my mess (seriously, I freaked out and the kitchen was a chaos). 

6th year birthday cupcakes

I was honored to bake for such an special occasion and to be entrusted with making this a gift to someone so dear and special to this young lady. Oh, and my little sister's classmates enjoyed their treats as well. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

A cookie for your story

I'm starting my own business doing something I have the passion for, baking. Let me share with you how this just for fun activity became a passion to me. I started baking back in 2010 for family and friends. And it all started from baking cookies with a friend to share with others as a gift to them to enjoy. It had been my first time baking, but I wanted to do it again on my own. So I did.

I tried at home first because I did not want to embarrass myself in front of my friends. Good thing I chose to bake at home where I knew my family would support me whether I did it right or wrong.

Oh how I remember my first badges of cookies. Yes, I burned many of the cookies I baked, some badges of cookies even came out hard as rock, and let's not even mention the ones that never raised. I had some sad, funny, and frustrating moments just to get my cookies right. Even then, I never gave up! I tried and tried until I found the recipe that worked for me. This opened new horizons for me to try other goodies (recipes). Ever since, I have made cakes, sweets, cupcakes (my favorite) and more. Check out my site and let me know if you'd like to try any of my sweets. I'll post pictures of all the goodies I bake from now on, and I will also share the story behind them. Hope you enjoy them!

Remember: Life is sweeter with sprinkles and chocolate! :)

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