Saturday, November 24, 2012

To Sadies or not to Sadies? That is the question

What is one nerve recking thing you've ever had to do for the opposite gender? When I went to high school, I was too shy to ask a guy out on a date or to even ask a question about homework. I look back and laugh at this. Could this be why I never enjoyed my high school years? And how I went from noticing the opposite gender and becoming so attractive to them and stopping from being myself around them? What a weird stage in my life! Anyways, good thing that is in the past for me.

Just some time ago, a friend of my sister's asked me to baked Sadies' cupcakes to ask her date out.

"This girl has the guts to ask a boy to Sadies," I thought to myself. I guess times are changing now, which are only making me feel OLD! 

Back to my client. I asked the girl what she was looking for. What the theme was? What colors? All the good stuff to be creative.

"The theme is Super Heroes...and I want Spiderman cupcakes," she said to me. "Spiderman cupcakes it is!" I said to her.

While making the cupcakes and decorating them, I kept thinking about the past and how much I had wished I had asked someone to go to Sadies with me. I never had the courage to do it afraid to be rejected or something. But it all comes down to me being a shy girl even when there was no need! 

The cupcakes made it to their destination! It was important for me to get these cupcakes delivered on time and just the way I had been asked to do them. So I did. Later, I heard the story from my sister and she showed me pictures of how her friend had come up with a cute way to ask him. Seriously, this girl went all out! She was not scared to do this,  but she rather decided to enjoy the moment. That is courage from a young lady. She set an example for me to not allow fear take over joy for amazing things happen to those who trust and believe! 

So I ask all those who read my blog to seize the moment and enjoy the present. Do not let other thoughts ruin the beauty of life and what God brings to you! And most importantly, do not go on with life without any meaning, but live life with a purpose for His Kingdom! :) 

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