Saturday, February 2, 2013


Back in November, I was asked to bake cupcakes for a surprise birthday party at work. My co-worker planned a birthday party for her younger sister and invited our office. As you can already tell, I had a huge responsibility ahead of me for I had not baked for my office in months. 

I decided to keep these cupcakes simple for it was what she had asked me for. The only thing my co-worker requested was to make half of the order chocolate and the other half vanilla cupcakes. I enjoyed making these for I really wanted my co-worker's sister to be surprised on her day. My co-worker when out of her way to make her sister feel special...and to show her how much she loves her! Is it incredible to feel loved by others? 

This surprise birthday party brought back memories of the time I turned 21 years old and my family and friends surprised me on my day. A couple days before my "special day," I had called my mom to asked if she was available for my birthday and she had told me she was called to work on that day. I, for some weird reason, started crying to my roommates because of the "bad news." Was there something wrong with me? I only wanted to spend the day with my family! Then, my friends asked to dedicate the morning to them since they wanted to celebrate me with breakfast. It was really special because they had never done such thing for me (hahaha!). My good friend even bought me a dress days before my birthday to wear. That morning, we all hung out, talked, played games, and watched movies. I was not aware that they were all in this surprise birthday thing with my family. 

At that time, I did not have a car so the girls decided to drop me off at my house. Little did I know the surprise I was coming home to. I cried when I saw the cake, balloons, my family and friends. I was not expecting such surprise and they had sure surprised me! Now, I hold dearly to these memories for my group of friends is different...some of us have gone our ways and we do not even keep in touch. However, the moments made with them are unforgettable. I came to understand that there is A Time for Everything (Ecclesiastes 3) and that was my time with them :) 

Remember that what you do for someone today can mean the world to them. Do not hesitate to show or tell the ones you love how much they mean to you for one day you and them will remember the time spent and will be grateful for them. Make memories with others (in a safe way), and do not be afraid for those moments are worth the time!

I sure hope you enjoyed reading my new story. Until next time! May the Lord be with ya'll! 

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